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Verso Skincare

Verso is a new brand of skincare from Stockholm, Sweden. Verso is latin and means reverse, as in the backside of a painting or the back view of a dress. With the patented formula Retinol 8, Verso Skincare is proven to effectively reverse the signs of aging.
So for Verso, reverse means reversing time.

The ambition was to create a new premium skincare brand with a lifestyle niche, appealing to the modern woman and man. The packaging should have strong shelf
impact and through design, photography and material selection, create a unique
brand expression within this category. With a goal to create a product that you deliberately leave out rather than put away.

Verso skincare launched in the spring of 2013 and after only a few months experienced worldwide distribution within Europe, US, South Africa and Australia in some of the finest retail establishments, including Barneys, Selfridges, Net-a-Porter and Sephora. In Sweden it is exclusively sold at NK Cow.


  • Ateljéassistent
    Carolin Boström
  • Copywriter
    Mattias Börjesson / Susanna Nygren Barrett
  • Creative Director
    Susanna Nygren Barrett
  • Designer
    Torbjörn Kihlberg, Henrik Karlsson
  • Fotograf
    Damien DeBlinkk
  • Projektledare
    Mattias Börjesson
  • Senior Designer
    Tom Miller