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Book Of Daniel

Daniel Jouseff is an aspiring artist on the backyard of the big art scene. Ahead of an upcoming exhibition he asked us if we could help him produce a catalogue, in fanzine style displaying the art pieces in question. The budget was very limited.

Being familiar with Daniel’s fierce creativitity and vast production, and convinced that he is facing greatness – we went in the opposite direction and decided to create something substantial that reflects an establsihed artist.

One of Daniel’s many quotes is “Don’t tell me about being a minority! My family is Christian palestinians, who lives in a house owned by the Catholic church in the Old Town of Jerusalem (that was before they moved to Skövde). This became the concept of the book.

The cover and design developed is a mixture of religous books in a limited edition of 666 numbered copies.
Content design were created as a catalogue with minimalistic design along with classic typography.The 400+ pages with red cover has the title embossed in gold foil along with handpainted golden bookends and a pink headbands.

The chapters ar divided by massive red spreads except one in flouroscent green that marks a collaboration between Daniel and iconic phootographer Lennart Nilsson, based on their friendship and mutual philosophy on life. Swedish visual iconography meets the post internet era as filtered by Jouseff. When Lennart passed away, his family opened up Lennarts entiere archive for Daniel to complete the collaboration.

The inlay gives a rough, “default” impression, but with attention to detail. Massive red dividers for each chapter, carrying roman numbers apart from the neon green chapter 5, that represents the collaboration between Daniel and iconic photographer and friend Lennart Nilsson.

Clemens Maria Poellinger and Joanna Sandell contributs with insightsful text on Daniels perpective on society and artisty.

We could not think about a better fit than to borrow a name from the old testament as a main title – Book Of Daniel. To our delight, Daniel agreed with the condition that we would put the tower of Babel on the back cover to even out the score.


  • Creative Director
    Pontus Frankenstein, Frankenstein Studio
  • Art Director
    Anton Östholm
  • Art Director Jr
    Sofus Nyström
  • Artist / Client
    Daniel Jouseff
  • Photographer
    Lennart Nilsson
  • Photographer
    Fredrik Skogkvist
  • Writer
    Joanna Sandell
  • Writer
    Clemens Maria Poellinger
  • Other
    Johan Shellback Schuster
  • Other
    Stefan Dahlbo
  • Other
    Elias Karroum
  • Print Producer
    Silvia Onofrio, Rotolito Lombarda